Moonology Cards Review

 Hello there, Moon-lovers!  

How is the Crescent moon affecting you so far? Today I have something very exciting to show you. For all of you, who are passionate tarot and oracle card readers, this will be a pleasant surprise - I present you the Moonology Oracle Card Deck! 

Okay, so by now I am sure you all feel curious about the deck, so without further ado, here is what we think about it. 

Let's start with a quick overview.  The deck is created by Yasmin Boland, the author of Moonology book, and illustrated by Nyx Rowan. Each card has its name on the bottom, along with a short phrase that summarizes its message. The Moonology deck contains 44 cards, separated into 4 sections: 

"Moon phases cards" - these are the 8 cards associated with the moon cycle - such as Waxing Moon, Gibbous moon, etc.  

"New Moon cards" - 12 cards that represent the New Moon in each one of the zodiac signs. For someone that is an astrology enthusiast, this section would be super easy to interpret, as we all know what New Moon in Virgo feels like! 

"Full Moon Cards" - similar to the new moon cards, here we have 12 Full Moon cards - 1 per each sign. Full Moons are extremely powerful, so if you pull any of those 12 cards - well, you're in for a ride! 

"Special Moon cards" - this section holds 12 extraordinary cards, inspired by some unique Moons - Blue Moon, Super Moon, few Eclipses. Drawing such a card from the deck usually brings some out-of-the-ordinary, extra-special guidance. 


Great, but what if you have no knowledge of the moon phases or you are still learning how to work with them? Not to worry. The cards come with a very useful guidebook that now only will help you with deciphering the message that the Moon has for you, but also includes a quick blessing for the cards.  In the guide, you can find information about each one of the phases, its meaning, and a few popular cards spread. 


So, do we recommend the Moonology deck? Absolutely. Regardless of your experience with cards, a new reader, or a skilled one, this deck is definitely a must-have. The breath-taking illustrations and the poetic massages make these cards a pleasure to work with! 

